Cloud Integration Services

Cloud Integration

Cloud integration is a system of tools and technologies that connects various applications, systems, repositories, and IT environments for the real-time exchange of data and processes. Once combined, the data and integrated cloud services can then be accessed by multiple devices over a network or via the internet.

The rapid shift from on premise applications to a hybrid mix of Software as a Service (SaaS) and on premise applications has introduced big challenges for companies at tempting to simplify enterprise application integration. One reason for this challenge is the ease in which Lines of Business ( LOBs such as marketing, sales, customer support, etc. can subscribe to multiple disparate SaaS applications with little or no involvement from internal IT.

Once the LOB starts using the SaaS application however, there is often a need to integrate with existing applications.Prior to Oracle
Integration Cloud Service, integration platforms have been too complicated to easily include participation with LOB application users, resulting
in a costly, time consuming, and error prone attempt at integration

Read more … Five Ways to Simplify Cloud Integration – Oracle

Cloud Integration

